Thursday, October 8, 2009

15 Practical Solutions Stress Reliever

human stress Went to work in bad conditions, a pile of office work, home is still stuck again, the monthly bills piling up on the table, lack of sleep, and repeated again the next day. Stop! You can be attacked by stress and health can be threatened. Respect yourself! Do one of the 15 natural remedies fast and easy to tension and stress relievers following.


Tea proved to affect the level of stress hormones in the body. British researchers found that people who drank tea had recovered from stress more quickly than those who drink other than tea. Tea contains catechins, polyphenols, flavonoids and amino acids that can affect brain neurotransmitters and reduce levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in the blood.

Go nuts

Not a crazy means, but consume nuts. Nuts are rich in tryptophan and magnesium, two key nutrients that support the production of serotonin. In fact, almonds are rich in nutrients such as various stress relieving B vitamins, zinc, vitamin E and antioxidants.

Rubbing ears

There marma points (similar to acupuncture points) in the ears associated with some parts of the body,Stroke your ears ring to reduce the tension (right hand on the right ear and left hand on left ear).

Inhaling aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has a sedative effect which can relieve tension immediately. Some scents are proven to reduce stress with lavender, lemon balm, chamomile and geranium.Suggested to put cotton aromatherapy oils given inches near a fan, air conditioning chambers, heating, and under the car seat. The aroma will be mixed in the air of the room as your therapy.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can reduce levels of stress hormones in the blood, so that eventually relieve the body's response to stress. Some studies also suggested the consumption of 1,000 mg of vitamin C is helpful.

Administer Self-acupressure

The meaning is the emphasis on body points with their own hands or fingers.Put your left hand fingers on the skull base, then lower the width of a finger, and slide to the left as wide as a finger, too. Position your right finger in the same position on the right. Then press the two points for 1-3 minutes. Stress reliever point both located four fingers width below the kneecap, one finger and then spread out towards your shin.

Eat berries

Blueberries, blackberries and other types of berries contain some of the strongest natural antioxidants and full of vitamin C, making it a potent stress reliever. Stress makes your body to release free radicals (unstable oxygen molecules damaging normal cells) and antioxidants can help neutralize harmful molecules such.

Yoga pose

When we are stressed, muscles tend to tighten and bend into the chest, Hands folded gesture (such as praying position) behind his back, then pull the shoulder / shoulder to the rear, tilt the head back and breathing deeply.

Balanced stretching movements

Another movement suggested Lissa is sitting in a chair with your left foot flat on the floor. Put your right ankle over left knee, then tilt the body forward to stretch. Hold as long as possible, then leaned forward a little more. Repeat with the changing position of the foot. This pose able to open the hips and stretch the muscle balance.

Condition your mind back

The point is instilling a different context in your situation. For example when you are in a long queue of a busy, take advantage of these conditions to calm the mind to meet or talk with the person next to you. A positive thought can neutralize the psychological changes (cause of stress) are harmful to the body.

Eat complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates can boost serotonin levels, so maintaining a sense of calm and relaxing stay strong longer. Complex carbohydrates include foods and whole-grained cereals (whole-grain) such as whole wheat bread, oats and brown rice and other types of legumes such as green beans, soy beans and lentils (lentils).

Exercise 10 reps

Relieve your tension spontaneously doing 10 reps of push-ups, sit-ups, jumping-jack, or exercises any instant so that the circulation of blood to flow more smoothly in the body. Endorphin hormone which serves as a stress reliever will help you get out more fresh.

Laughed loudly

Laughed loudly able to increase stress hormones and increases stress hormones cause relaxation - an effect that can last for 24 hours. Read comics / funny story or a short bercandalah with coworkers until you laugh and feel more relaxed to work again.

Consuming food makers like

Some foods contain compounds that help the body to produce neurochemicals that affect mood (mood). Some of the food that gives them a calming effect on turkey meat (rich in tryptophan, Taurine and vitamin B6); pumpkin seeds, spinach, and black beans (three magnesium-rich); papaya (vitamin C); and bananas (high potassium).

Feeling the moment

Focus on what is in front of you. Take advantage of the senses to feel the conditions or environment. Kiss that will smell the food you eat for about 10 seconds and then enjoy it. Or with bare feet, walk a few steps and feel your feet touch the ground. Sensation will ease your tension and stress.

Good luck!

1 comment:

Different Types of the Stress Test said...

Heart attacks are the number one killer of adult men and women in the United States. That is why “preventative maintenance” is so important in this day in age. One example of this is the stress test, which monitors how much stress your heart can take before problems arise. The most common form of the stress test is through monitored exercise. Here are other types of stress tests:

Nuclear Stress Test: This test is to find out which parts of the heart are healthy and functioning well and which parts are not. A tiny amount of radioactive substance is injected into the patient. The doctors then monitors the rays emitted from the heart with a special camera. This is done before and after exercise. The photos show the effects of the exercise on the heart tissue, illuminating whether the patient receives a reduction in blood supply.

Stress Echocardiogram: This is a graphic outline of motion in the hearts walls and pumping action. This test reveals if there is a lack of blood flow in the heart, and often shows the results that other tests can miss.

Dobutamine Stress Test: This test is made for people who are unable to exercise. A drug is given to the patient that affects the heart as if the person were exercising, and then the heart is monitored to check of irregular blood flow or a change in the heart beat.