Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Right Sport For Heart Disease Patients

  human heartI will discuss about the heart condition is associated with exercise, what do you understand the basic condition of the heart, heart disease could be improved or exacerbated by exercise, and what you can do to prevent a fatal condition.

Several times we have heard relatives or friends died suddenly while doing sports such as tennis, and others. The question arises, why did occur during exercise should be an activity that makes sense? Before going to discuss in detail the sports activities, I will discuss about the heart first.

Some Heart Condition

The heart is a unique organ, located in the middle / center of the human body as a pump to distribute blood throughout the body of the brain to the human toes. Because of its nature as a pump, the heart muscle as a main component.

The heart itself also need nutrients from the blood to meet the pumping energy, it is full of blood vessels called coronary arteries. The older age of a person, the more noise that can occur in the heart. Disorders that often arise include:

1. Blockage or narrowing of coronary arteries due to buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessel walls.
2. Decrease in pumping power of heart disease due to diabetes, high blood a long time, or heart muscle damage post-heart attack.
3. A heart attack could be fatal due to sudden coronary total occlusion.

Generally at a young age, on rare disorders, but the age of 40 years and above, the frequency of occurrence of the above items higher.

What are the symptoms that occur in heart problems? Symptoms vary depending on the disorder arises what happens. At the heart pump power reduction (in medical terms is called heart failure), if symptoms are shortness heavier activity, shortness improved with rest, and instead become heavy when packed sleeping position / lie.

In the cases of heart attack, symptoms of chest pain arises is great on the left side more than 15 minutes, the pain spread to her left arm with a cold sweat and a great fear as if going to die, the pain associated with sports activities such as stimulating energy explosive such as tennis.

The above items can be prevented and detected through examination by a doctor. Several tests to detect such an EKG to record electrical activity of the heart, echocardiografi to see heart movement, a treadmill test for early detection of coronary occlusion to the sophisticated tests such as MSCT and invasive nature such as cardiac catheterization.

Sports What is recommended and is not?

After learning some heart conditions that often occur, the following discussion is about what the recommended exercise and is not recommended if you have heart problems are.

I hope you're not one of perception in reading this article, because in essence, sport is a very advisable in people with heart problems, but should be chosen based on the intensity of its kind, nature and frequency

In people with heart conditions are healthy and young, there are no obstacles to doing any exercise, even this is a must because it will train the heart to work well, improving circulation by lowering cholesterol, so do not accumulate in blood vessel walls, improving insulin sensitivity thus slowing the emergence of diabetes and many other good effects.

While the people who already have heart problems required changes in exercise patterns. In principle, a sport that is recommended is CRIPE (Continuous, Rhythmical, Interval, Progressive, and Endurance) as a recommended exercise in people with diabetes. These sports include swimming, jogging / running a treadmill with moderate intensity. While exercise is not recommended to be explosive such as tennis, badminton, and (unfortunately, too), including heavy lifting.

The question that arises is why some sports above and it should not be dangerous? As I discussed that the heart is a muscular organ for pumping blood. In conditions where these muscles are weak (not to be confused with your biceps can be trained to become stronger), then the sport is forcing an already weak heart is to work beyond its capacity. The result is that the body's energy needs during exercise can not be met by the shipment of blood from the heart, so that the blood supply to the brain or the lungs down suddenly and can cause death.

In people with coronary heart disease which has occurred blockage of blood vessel walls, explosive sport that is also dangerous because of the stress that will cause a sudden outbreak of a pile of cholesterol in coronary wall and trigger a chain reaction which ended in a total blockage of coronary blood flow. What happens when there is total blockage? Heart muscle damage because there is no blood flow to provide nutrients to the muscles.

What can be done to anticipate? You do not need to be too alarmed after reading this article. More attention should be given if you have several risk factors below:

1. Diabetes
2. High blood uncontrolled
3. Obesity
4. History of heart disease in the family
6. High Cholesterol

If there are 2 or more risk factors above then I suggest you do a heart to know the condition of your heart and what the appropriate sport.

1 comment:

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