Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Diet Tips Practical And Easy

Here are 11 practical tips on the diet that is easy for anyone:
  • Choose a diet program that you can do, reliable and reasonable. Do not be fooled brief diets that did not make sense.
  • The right diet program is a program that includes exercise. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 6 times a week. No need is too heavy, fast walking or jogging is enough.
  • Set design menus and meals from your diet. Enter also off-menu (menu-free so as not to get bored). Determine and record the scheduled start your diet.
  • In the first 3-4 days, the temptation is good food. Set mindset, such as: "strict diet for a while, the results of a lifetime", "The body is more attractive and healthier", and other positive mindset.
  • The high level of appetite is the second temptation for fast absorption carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, potatoes and other foods low in fiber). High-carbohydrate foods trigger the body's production of insulin so thirsty sugar (Craving). So the limit in the first weeks of diet. Replace it with brown rice or whole wheat bread. Eat-lowering appetite as green tea without sugar and water.
  • Do not diet too strict at the beginning of the program or you will be tempted to think negatively like "this is too difficult, maybe not stand", and other negative impulse.
  • In the second week, usually you start to get bored. Try to eat well (cheating) in the portion NORMAL 1 times a week to reduce boredom.
  • After the first 2 weeks, you get used to and decrease weight. You can still cheating once a week in a normal portion. Do not eat well Revenge jumbo or weight will rise again.
  • Weight loss supplements can help your diet program. However, only serves to help while of success depends on your diet. Study the contents (ingredients) first. Do not haphazardly choose supplements.
  • If you eat snacks, choose a high protein (fish, boiled eggs) due to low calories and more slowly digested than high-carbohydrate foods. Digestion and metabolism may take longer to work so fat burning easier.
  • Diet without fries? It was not his time anymore! Now it is canola oil which contains 62% monounsaturated fat, 31% polyunsaturated fat, 7% saturated fat and heat resistance. Remember, do not fry dishes of all, because the fat calories are still high. Use a little oil and fill with vegetables.

Olive oil is better? Not really. Olive oil does contain unsaturated fats high, but not heat-resistant and easily damaged when for frying or sauteing. If damaged, the levels of saturated fat will increase.

Good diet and good luck!

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